Personal Statement Piece:


Today’s business world is reaching across the globe, increasingly more expansive in the connections we make. How we connect and interact is evolving in our approach to marketing. From trend to trend, it continues taking on slices of the past and redesigning itself. It takes a great amount of research and determination to stay on the cutting edge of technology and business, and in this respect I have an avid drive. Applying my knowledge into a competitive working style which is flexible yet driven, I advocate for the entrepreneurial spirit, and respect free enterprise.

We live in a more conscious time, and if we can deliver products that focus on change, we can attain the loyalty of our customers.  Having the influence to change the perspective of things and to contribute to a company as part of society as a whole is why I am excited about marketing. Pride in value, going back to basics, and creating a new way of seeing an existing product are all part of why I chose this field. I enjoy being part of the change and having the ability to instill confidence which is a challenge with the new generation as they are seeking more sustainable lifestyles. Today’s consumers are savvy and are looking for valued referrals, honest conversation through social media, and word of mouth marketing. Having said that I believe that customer service and marketing go hand in hand, as it all comes down to how you communicate value through both an emotional as well as a strategic position, where intuition and leveraged knowledge of current trends is key.

A responsible business approach should respect the consumer’s purchasing power, rather than to repeat mindlessly from an old dialogue, and be conscious of what consumers want right now.  I believe people demand honest representation of products and services, and to purchase from a company that takes a high level of pride in all they do.  From inception, manufacturing, customer service to its end product and packaging, the end result should always be integrity. It is important for marketing research to provide honest communication based on consumers’ wants and needs, even if it means changing how things are done – customized solutions, tailored to me… As marketers, we are ambassadors for the consumers we sell to, and that is the whole point of marketing and the reason I am excited about it and being part of that change.